Hi Shelly I hope you are well, I am wondering what your opinion is on the following. Is it possible to cure yourself of illness whilst having mercury in your mouth? I have only recently started to look into the whole thing that some of my health problems could be caused by mercury. I still don’t know that much about it. However I asked some question a few days ago on the dentist forum about how to go about getting the mercury out of my mouth and finding a dentist. I got the impression that some people felt that it was almost impossible to be well if you had mercury in your mouth and even if you got it out it may have done some irreversible damage and you may never be well. I felt really disheartened as I have been working so hard on trying to get better. The thing is I have looked into finding a dentist that understand the stuff around mercury, well they’re so expensive. I just could not afford that amount of money right now. Does this mean that I don’t stand much chance of getting better no matter what else I do? Once again thanks for your understanding and advice…Moonie