Re: Shelley a question about surgery?
Absolutely. Pre-surgery for about 3 days, avoid blood thinners like garlic, ginger, aspirin, onion, ginseng. You can build up your immune system if you like, simply by keeping to a very clean diet, avoiding sugars, flushing the colon, taking Vitamin C, green tea, even Pau D'arco tea.
Post-surgery is the perfect time for a high-protein diet, bone broths and dark green, leafy veggies. If you can get your hands on some comfrey, an herb they took out of most markets because it's so strong, it really helps to boost cellular growth. You can find bottles that say it's for external applications and not for internal uses, but may still be okay to take internally, or get it as a tea from herb suppliers.
Have some cloths,
Epsom Salts and a bag of frozen peas at the ready for hot and cold compresses. Only use cold if there's swelling.
And as always, attitude is very very important when it comes to stressful intervention like surgeries. It's a good time to wish out loud for smooth sailing! :)
Hope that helps!