Aloe Vera Enema?
Hi Shelly I hope that you are well! I have done a couple of the salt
water enemas and even a ACV one yesterday, trying to gently clean my bowel. I was wanting to do the Aloe Vera enema because there is so much pain around that area and Iwas wondering if this would be a good idea to soothe the bowel. The thing is that I got some form my local health food shop today and it said maximum strength 100% Aloe Vera, when I got it home and looked at full ingredients it said the following, it said Aloe Vera
preservatives -potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate,
citric acid , Ascorbic Acid. I don't have a clue about any thing after the Aloe Vera. The question is enema or not to enema, with this? Also I just wanted to let you know that I did email Julia and asked about the vitex, she has not got back as yet. However the Vitex herb is part of her product for female problems relating to endo so I have carried on taking it. I just thought I would let you know cos you said that you wanted to learn more about the hormone thing. Anyway thanks Shelly...Moonie