Eye circles?
What's the story with eye circles?
...I recently went to a naturopath doctor...Apparently this guy is one of those who will take any problem in the world and put the blame on "Candida" - what else.
Anyway, he was saying that my acne, eye circles and something on my tongue indicates candida. So I gave his low-carb diet a try, along with some acidophilus and friends.
For about 3 months I kept the diet totally strict, my carbs were strictly legumes and a little brown rice and veggies. My
Acne was getting a little better...my tongue looked a tiny bit different, and the eye circles the same.
I see everybody has those little eye circles! Am I wrong?
Does that mean they all have a small condition they could fix, ie candida like that guy claimed? Or is external fixes the only solution?
I'm not a model or anything, just another health perfectionist, or however you'd call it...
Appreciate any reply or referece, thanks!
P.S. I've had a small chat with some candida-specialist person - she claims a thing called "Kolorex" clears candida in less than a month...any thoughts?