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Re: Shelley; a warning about Colonix and a question
shelleycat Views: 1,212
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 320,061

Re: Shelley; a warning about Colonix and a question

It's not so much the senna tea that is the problem, but the position/shape of your colon. Once you add more fiber to your diet with better foods and supplementation, bad habits can make you worse off than before. It becomes even more crucial for a lot of people to squat rather than sit up to void. Repeated evacuations in the wrong position, trying to force a BM rather than let it happen naturally in a squatting position, will increase the difficulty over time.

Taking oils is a fine way to ensure healthy BMs, it's not cheating because we NEED oils in our diet. If you want something more nutritious than castor oil, switch to cod liver oil.

Also, until the liver is clean and clear, and until you get enough Lecithin/Choline into your system, your peristaltic action won't be as strong as it could be.

Psyllium fiber isn't friendly to people with balloons or strictures in their colon, they're better off with freshly ground flax seed or flax seed tea. Apple pectin is great, but psyllium tends to get stuck.


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