Dear Sir,
Its wonderful creating this website for the benefit of people. I am particularly happy each time I visit your site and I hope you will answer these questions.
From my observation I notice that after a man passed the age of 30 he starts to develop bigger tummy. Some begins to protrude downward. I have started to notice my tummy, which started having this nature.
I posted the same question to a doctor and he explained that the extra waist gain indicates that my liver increase a release of aromatase enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. That means, my estrogen level increases while your testosterone level drops.
This also grows the estrogen receptors in your waist too. And that increasing my estrogen level and decreasing your testosterone level down to 500 ng/dl causes erectile problem.
From what I read from your articles I am a bit confused. How can I marry the two viewpoints. I don’t know whether this has anything to do with the neglect of intestine, colon, liver cleansing? Secondly can you tell me what can be done immediately?
I will be glad if you find answer to my questions.