Re: Possible causes of leg and feet pain
Hi Anna! That sounds to me like Gout, which is an inability to digest protein properly because you don't have enough enzymes or bile, or are eating too much, and this leads to an overly acidic system. Your very cells get crystalized with the toxic compounds they are unable to exit, and this means heightened sensitivity or even extreme pain depending on how bad it is.
Some people just cannot handle a lot of protein or having two kinds of meats within the same meal for long periods of time.
First thing to do is to become properly hydrated. Just drinking water won't do it, you have to take in alkaloids, electrolytes. So the cleansing drink (see FAQ), emergenC, Bieler Broth, Potassium Broth, are the best ways to go, and as much fresh veggie juice as you can handle - carrot and pineapple, for the bromelain. Masters Miracle II is also helpful, or Garden of Life's Acid Defense is terrific, several CureZone members have had amazingly quick recoveries by taking this.
You should also take digestive enzymes, preferably one that includes bromelain. Acid Defense has digestive enzymes but I don't remember if it has bromelain.
Could be you're a body type and bloodtype that needs to be mostly vegetarin and only occasionally have high-quality protein sources like fish, eggs, liver.
Hope that helps! :)