To all fellow Clarkettes,
To all fellow Clarkettes,
Just a message of appreciation to all who have posted their experiences. In regard of the fabulous Dr. Clark, she has changed my life forever in the way I will shape my life in the years to come.
I can only see health and longevitiy for myself and those I love, because of Dr. Clark's medical discoveries and treatments. She's a courageous woman who published the results of her findings, even though they are radically in competition with the orthodox medical communities.
Thank you Dr. Clark.
Cutie Pie is now retreating back into the deep cyberspace of the world web. I will come back and visit all Clarkettes in a couple of years.
I hope by relaying my experiences someone on this great website may have benefited in some way. So until we meet again, I wishing everyone a happy, healthy and long life.
Remember we only have one Paradise Earth, let us keep her healthy, too.
Cutie Pie signing off...