Re: Chinese bitters before flush instead of GCG?
Hmmm, what you're saying is a little different from Mrs. Chang's
directions if I'm understanding you correctly. You're saying to
stop taking CGC as of today; take Chinese Bitters (a.m.) and Coptis
(p.m.)increasing the dosage until I get a headache(to make sure it's
working). Continue the CB and Coptis until 5 days before the flush,
then take the GCG again - for the last 5 days. Is that right?
I'm surprised because my written directions from Mrs. Chang say
to finish the GCG bottle, then take CB "for a few days" before the
flush. Have you found this other way is better?
I'm glad to learn that ginger and dandelion tea help promote bile. That's good additional info. And I'll use the apple cider vinegar. I've read that the cloudy, unfiltered kind is best.
I'll look forward to your reply so that I can be sure I'm understanding this and doing it in the best way possible.
Thanks again,