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Re: Shelley--question about ACV
shelleycat Views: 981
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 314,217

Re: Shelley--question about ACV

When anti-candida diets recommend no vinegar, they're talking about the vinegars in dead foods like condiments and pickles which, in the old days before foods got so refined, were all fermented foods, quite healthy, full of the good microbes. Then manufacturing and Louis Pasteur came along and suddenly all microbes were bad, even those we need to replace in our body to support immunity and digestion, and all cloudy foods were deemed bad, so they were further refined to be clear. So now the vinegars sold are refined, white, clear, dead vinegars with the wrong acids.

When I recommend ACV, I mean the natural, raw, organic one with "The Mother" which are friendly microbes. ACV is basically concentrated apples with no Sugar -a ll the benefits of malic acid, which dissolves stones and cleanses the liver and aids digestion overall, with none of the problems. And friendly microbes to help chase away candida.

Any time you add something to an enema you can figure on at least 2 tablespoons up to 1/2 cup per liter, added to the water. Try the first, see how you do, increase if you're comfy with it. Teas can often be stronger. It's not an exact science, you have to find your comfort zone and not exceed it by too much. :)



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