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Re: First Flush encouraging results, second flush..not too good. Help please?????
Richard Views: 1,455
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 31,310

Re: First Flush encouraging results, second flush..not too good. Help please?????

If you are sure and certain that you have bacteria in your digestive system, I would recommend a good probiotic.

Lactic bacteria produces lactase and natural Antibiotics that would help eliminate harmful and pathogenic bacteria in the GI tract.

A really good probiotic should contain live bacteria so that the bacteria count (reveival rate) is certain. It should be multi-strained so that the different bacteria get to work in the different regions of the GI tract. They would have to be colonizing to prevent re-infection or recurrence of the problem. Lastly, the bacteria needs to be protected against the strong stomach acids (pH 1-2) so that it can get to the intestines to work effectively.

Hope this is useful and informative

Take care


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