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Re: It is odd most messages in this forum have little to do with palio diet, maybe we should read up on this topic I have a few links posted here
basicman Views: 4,141
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 31,164

Re: It is odd most messages in this forum have little to do with palio diet, maybe we should read up on this topic I have a few links posted here

Addressed to Grog (H. robustus, or bone-head):

The Paleo is one of (and not the first) book to begin to explain the truth about human history and the evolution of diet. There are thousands of "diet" books out there and the more of these (Paleo, Caveman, Origin etc.) books there are, the better.


Addressed to Grog (H. robustus, or *%#&¤?§*):

The Paleo is one of (and not the first) book to begin to explain the truth about human history and the evolution of diet. There are thousands of "diet" books out there and the more of these (Paleo, Caveman, Origin etc.) books there are, the better.



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