I've had experience with those herbs. I took them for a long time in my
non-prescription quest to "cure" my Crohns, and all of them did very
little, except for racking up my credit card debt. I know you're not
going to want to hear this, but the most dramatic improvement I had was
when I STOPPED eating vegan. I was vegetarian for 3 years, vegan for
another 10 (13 years total). All my serious digestive problems came on
about 5 years after I implemented my whole grain-based diet. In
hindsight, I realize I had problems the whole time, but was just young
and healthy enough at the start, and charged with excessive
carbohydrates, that my body withstood the assault for a time. Perhaps
that was because I ate all organic and no refined sugar, I dunno.
I've had Crohn's for at least 7 years (probably longer). I had a
ruptured appendix 11 years ago that obliterated my cecum to the point
that I had to have 15 inches of terminal ileum and colon removed. That
was during my vegan years. I continued my vegan diet up until 5 years
ago, when I wasted away to 95 lbs.
I'm happy to say that I'm now in remission, without the use of ANY
drugs--diet only. My diet is paleo, similar to SCD, only without the
dairy, and also low-residue, low-starch. Completely grain-free. I am
$15,000 in debt from all the herbs and supplements I tried over the past
7 years. Only a few of the basic vitamins and minerals have really
helped, although I do take some herbs occasionally just for extra
nutrition now, as our evolutionary ancestors ate many more species of
plants and animals than we currently do.
When I became an ethical vegetarian at 25 (I think?), I was too stubborn
to listen to any but the vegetarian "experts" on the subject of
nutrition and evolution. My mind was set on my vegan goal, and the
information I chose to expose myself to reinforced my commitment.
Feeling great on the diet for a time reinforced that commitment. But I
ended up with Crohn's, osteoporosis, and chronic fatigue. I'm only 42.
My story is not the only one like this. There are many, many folks I've
come across on the net in the past 7 years who are young to middle aged
ex-vegetarians who developed IBD and other autoimmune diseases as
vegetarians. They also used all the pills, potions and lotions to no
avail. Some are not willing to work on diet and thus remain on
medications. Many have chosen to work on their diet, experiment, and
are doing well.
I appologize for the long lecture. Not, I'm sure, what you wanted to
hear. It is just my roundabout sort of way to explain why goldenseal,
bromelain and marshmallow didn't do much for me.
"Lesson learned are like bridges burned,
you only need to cross them but once.
Is the knowledge gained worth the price pain?
Are the spoils worth the cost of the hunt?"
> It's probably important to say that
> I've been vegetarian since I was about 10, and went vegan about 5 years ago.
> Because I intend to be a wreckless, travelling, free-spirit- regardless of what
> physical conditions might deter me from this goal- I am unwilling to maintain a
> dependency on predn. and asacol- my condition is moderate... I experience
> flare-ups on occassion (generally if I eat too much, don't chew my food enough,
> or eat the wrong things)... At any rate, rather than take these pharmeceuticals
> which might cost further damage over extended periods of time, I'm going to
> delve into the herbal aspect of healing....
> Has anyone had any experience with?
> --Bromelain (digestive aid: breaks down complex proteins)
> --Goldenseal (natural anti-inflammatory)
> --Marshmellow (supposedly cured ol' King Charlemange of his colitis- helps to
> 'numb' the guts)
> I'm trying them now, interspersed, in hopes that they will calm down the
> flare-up I seem to currently be enjoying. If anyone can vouch for the
> efficiency of any of these herbs, or any other, do respond...
> Thanks,
> David