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How injuries affect health
shelleycat Views: 1,205
Published: 21 y
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How injuries affect health

Hiya Emo!

Okay, when we get injured, the site of the injury remains a "weak spot" until we really take measures to heal it completely. A comprehensive "heal injury" program would look like this:

A visit to the chiropractors to consult on overal spine health/positioning

A series of Rolfing to stretch connective tissues back into their pre-injury flexibility (tissues contract to protect injuries and need to be reworked out of their contraction). Feldenkrais is an option too, but that's not hands on, that's just you learning how to walk/move right again.

A fast or limited, alkaline diet to stop all autoimmune responses (inflammation) and get rid of stored acids. If our diet is incorrect, acids will get stored in the damaged tissues (nature figures better to worsen a bad site than start another brand new bad site).

Whenever there is arthritic type pain, a fast is highly recommended. Even just a partial fast can do it. For a couple months I had fresh-squeezed veggie juice and a regular dinner and a Master-Cleanse drink for breakfast. My ankle pain, leftover from sprains and such, is completely gone.

It is highly recommended to feed the body good things for the immune system (ginger, green tea, green foods, protein) and connective tissues (minerals such as calcium, MSM, extra protein, glucosamine, EFAs), and if any major organs are bruised by the injury, give them healing/cleansing things like comfrey.

Hope that helps! :)


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