No, he doesn't have to live with it.
Ringworm and tinea versicolor are members of the same fungus family, but that's about it.
TV is a bit like candida, in that everyone has it but it gets out of hand in some people.
Persistence is the key to curing it. One good treatment is to wash with an anti-dandruff shampoo, instead of soap; lather it up and leave it on for about 5 mins, then rinse off. Also, its a pain, but things like clean shirts twice a day, after shampooing, clean pyjamas every day, or changing bed linen daily if you sleep nude, help clear it up quickly. That's because the spores fall into clothes and bed linen so using the same ones reinfests.
Two or three months are usually needed to kill off the excess yeast growth, but the patches dont usually dissappear for about a year.