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Re: What is LIfe Step
raymond Views: 1,550
Published: 21 y
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Re: What is LIfe Step


You are tiny - you can get away with that! If I tried that, I would probably fall off the toilet!! :)

LifeStep is made by Renew Life, the makers of ParaGone, CleanseMore, FiberSmart, etc. It is designed to put any user in the squatting position for better elimination. It is amazing and really does make you feel you are eliminating more. After using it all week for my bowel cleanse, it feels odd to sit at a toilet that doesn't offer this support.

Below is a link for more information on the LifeStep - you will need to scroll down to find the LifeStep information. It runs approximately $25. Here is information regarding the LifeStep:

Life-STEP supports the body in a natural and anatomically correct position.
• The modern toilet does not position the body properly for elimination.
• The natural position for humans is to squat, as our ancestors did.
• In a squatting position, the abdominal wall and the bowels are fully supported for more complete elimination. Don't throw away your toilet - just get a Life-STEP!
The Life-STEP also makes an excellent toilet step for small children.
Recommended as a second-phase cleanse for athletes and body-builders




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