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Master's Miracle Products - Please Read

New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

raymond Views: 2,354
Published: 21 y

Master's Miracle Products - Please Read

I just wanted to provide a "heads up" to anyone who is currently using and/or thinking about trying the Master's Miracle products. From what I understand, Master's Miracle is the MLM version of the Miracle 2 products. They were supposed to be the same product - just one was being sold under MLM and thus it had a different name.

I just went to order another gallon each of the soap and neutralizer from a great person, who sells these about $22 less per gallon than what you will find out on the internet. In any event, I asked her why I could not find the 7x neutralizer gel and if they stopped selling that. This was her reply:

"MII use to sell to Master's Miracle in large quantities(55gallon drums) and Master's Miracle rebottled it and sold it through their MLM. That is until things changed about 1 month ago. Master's Miracle started making their own products without telling anyone and still sold it as if it was MII. Clayton finally comfronted them after some customer complaints about the soap being watered down and the neutralizer having a acid pH and Jeff Schlegel confessed he has been manufacturing his own products. He then had to tell his distributors and change his website. He then claimed it was new and improved. Clayton Tedeton will no longer sell his products to him which is probably why some of the products are no longer available through Master's Miracle(he hasn't figured out how to replicate them yet). Master's Miracle has only been around for 19 months but MII has been around for 23 years. All the MII and Master's Miracle testimonies are about the MII products. The new Master's Miracle product has no testimonies of their own that I know of and I have no idea what it is anymore."

WOW - was this eye opening for me as I have been purchasing the Master's Miracle brand and NOT the Miracle 2. I wanted to pass along this information to those who, like myself, were not aware of this problem. I want to be sure I am purchasing the products full strength and as they were intended to be used.

If you have any questions on this, I can provide further details. My contact for purchasing these products is very upstanding and you can purchase from her much less expensively than what you will see on the internet. Obviously, she will also make sure you are getting the quality product. The only drawback is that you have to order in large quantity to get this type of discount. Not a problem for me as I purchase by the gallon.




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