Hi I haven't done the gallbladder cleanse yet , I am just getting enough courage up to do it because I am afraid...
My problem is my immediate family have all had a stomach virus that last about a day, I have had something in my system now for over 2 weeks. I feel nausea but I don't vomit ( never really do to often through out my life anyway) and now I am getting stomach cramping as you do when you have diarhea, but I do not have diarhe ( I wish I did to get it out). incidently I do have Gallstones but I haven't had many attachs. Question. could the lack of bile movement be causing this cramping in my stomach. Or is it just the way my body is handling this virus..
Any opinions? And please I am so afraid to do the flush my husband does not encourage it, he feels I really have no problem any more since I changed my diet and now take an herb for my liver.. but they are still there and I feel they do alter my health.. Is there anyother way to remove the stones without doing the flush?
Please help