No No's according to the Naturopath for #17163
At the risk of starting a huge argument about whats bad ..whats good here, this
is what the Naturopath told me regarding the list of things I showed her that I
was doing/eating. These she told me are bad:
apple cider vinegar - fermented products are bad for candida
B vitamins - feed candida
black eyed peas - because they have mold
enemas are not neccessary
Again..these are a few of the things that I was doing, that she told me was
hurting my situation. I have felt better since I stopped eating/doing these
things. These topics have been bandied back and forth in here, but this is
her opinion (shes been doing this for 18 years) and not mine. Its the advice
that I am following and I have no interest in arguing about it.