Re: Urine
I drink the first urine of the day (mid-flow) as this is the one with the most nutrients but you can drink it at any time. The first week I had this incredible happiness high. It came from nowhere. Some other people experience this. Unfortunately it didn't last. I increased the amount I was drinking as everyone seemed to be drinking a lot and I thought quantity mattered. I got die-off reactions headache etc. I reduced the amount to a couple of
ounces and have stuck at that. It's easy to drink a couple of
ounces and I drink water afterwards to lose the taste. The taste is not a big deal and you get used to it.
I had excema (food reactive type and only on my wrist and arm, sometimes behind my knees) which would flare up whenever I ate the wrong things. That has completely gone. The skin on my face looks good - people comment that I look better. A lot of the changes are gradual but the overall feeling of calm and content continues. It has a good enough effect to want to keep up the practice.
I am not cured yet. I still have the "candida" white tongue,
food sensitivities (but I am eating many more wrong foods on a regular basis now) I still have constipation and bloating issues and am taking a colon toning laxative. This is herbal and colours the urine but doesn't seem to interfere with the good effect.