most people find it easy to tell just by reading the symptoms. just google candida symptoms for this. the fact is most people have candida. candida comes from having a toxic body and just about everyone is toxic. different experts have different ideas on what foods to avoid, but i believe that the worst foods to eat when you have candida or any other health issue would be all the common allergens: soy, dairy(except raw milk or yoghurt)peanuts, corn, gluten, and eggs. you should also stay away from melons and other very sweet fruits such as bananas. it might be possible to get rid of candida just by cleaning the bowel but it would have to be a very mild case of candida. for most people it will takes many months of thorough liver, colon, and heavy metal cleaning before you can effectivley cure your candida. taking beneficial soil organisms is a great way to help heal the body. we were meant to ingest them through our food where they perform many vital functions for us but now that everything is washed or sprayed we don't anymore. check this out good luck!!