I took Levaquin, a very powerful Antibiotic for a fairly long period of time. I had also taken Doxycycline prior to this. I have a lot of pain from the Levaquin as well as some many other neurological symptoms. Anyway I believe that I have candida/leaky gut. I had a blood test for Igg, Igm, and Iga. My Igm was normal, Igg was borderline high and my Iga was super high. How many IV Ozone/hydrogen peroxide therapies would I need to effectively kill the Candida? Three times a week for a few weeks? I am doing the IV Ozone/hydrogen peroxide therapy to help my pain caused by Levaquin as well. Never take Levaquin or Cipro. - FQvictims.org is a qood website to read about all the side effects of these two drugs. Thank you very much for everyones time and consideration.