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I ASKED MY DOCTOR - probiotics,leaky gut, candida...opinions please
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I ASKED MY DOCTOR - probiotics,leaky gut, candida...opinions please

I asked my doctor. Here is what he told me when I asked him if probiotics were bad to take when a person has a leaky gut.
He said that nothing is good to take when your gut leaks because it will get into your system. (So, those who think probiotics get into your system are right). It's a catch - 22, you need to heal before you take probiotics, and you need to take probiotics before you heal. So, obviously you will have probiotics get into your system, but it should not effect a person that much and it should do more good than bad. The trick is to heal leaky gut, and to do this it is essential to supplement your diet with healthy probiotics. Based on what he explained to me it is absoutely necessary to take probiotics to heal leaky gut, your body can't heal it without good bacteria present in strong numbers. It needs to overun the candida, bad bacteria and help with mineral absorption - without this leaky gut will not heal. SO IT IS ABSOLUTLY NECESSARY TO TAKE A PROBIOTIC. He gave me a good probiotic to take.
He also told me to take Colloidal Silver to heal leaky gut. This will kill good bacteria so a strong probiotic must be taken afterward. (Collodial silver also kills candida). And, L-glutamine was recommended.
The best thing to do to heal leaky gut is kill the candida, and then aid your body in healing leaky gut.


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