Re: itchy anus HELP!!
An itchy anus is a classic symptoms of candida. Either you are feeding them or killing them off. I never had that symptoms until I started killing them off so I know it can be die off also. What is weird is that I had it only one night but it literarally woke me up and was very annoying. Occassionally I do have it during the day for a few minutes here and there. I would say if it was getting worse instead of better it might NOT be die off and might be something you are eating that is feeding them. Are you eating fruits? Because any
Sugar will stir them up good and give you all kinds of symptoms. Assuming it ws candida that you have in the first place since you did post in the
Candida Forum .
You might try an enema. I use just plain warm water , but some on the board tout the use ACV ( apple cider vinegar) and claim that is kills lots of candida. You could try a probiotci enema as well. Eat plenty of yogurt.
For itching, in the past I have used Tucks medicated pads or something equivilant. It might only give temporary relief but might help you sleep. You will need to get rid of the source to completely get rid of it.
If you have candida a raw diet may not be the best thing especially if you are eating fruit whihc is big no no. Diet alone will not cure most people of candida, you will need to take a good antifungal like caprylic acid, or something like GSE, raw garlic etc. As a mtter of fact there was an interesting post below from someone who claimed ot have killed their candida using a garlic enema by crushing up the garlic and I believe simmering it in water than removing the garlic adn using the water.
You can surf around this board, there is tons of useful information here and many different solutions and there is one that is right for you.