for Onthejourney
Hi onthejourney
I have just been reading your input on the 'is it logical' string, and just thouhgt I would mention liver support supplements. They support the liver which, as you know, is under terrible strain with candida, its die off, and all the other associated c**p that goes with it. My sister is like yourself, and has dreadful despondency, low energy etc etc, despite a strict candida protocol. She went to see a kinesiologist two weeks ago and was given liver support capsules, of which she takes 15 a day for a month. After four days she told me her energy had risen by 70%, and she felt she could 'cope' with life for the first time in a long time.
I have been taking the capsules for about six months, and wouldn't be without them.
I just thought I would mention it. They are not terribly expensive (not in the UK, anyway, I'm not sure where you are), but it might be worth a try for you.
I can get a list of the ingredients if you wish to try them and find a similar product near you.
Best of luck