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More info on Karen Tripp regimen
Tyler Durden Views: 1,515
Published: 19 y

More info on Karen Tripp regimen

Regarding Karen Tripp, the woman who claims she was basically cured of Candidiasis
(her experience can be found at ), I called up the Naturopath clinic she lists where the doc she got into contact with helped her.

I found the receptionist I talked to to be fairly knowledgable and helpful. She mentioned that basically it was a two-pronged approach to eliminating the Candida, with two products necessary:

1) The fungus/yeast fighter SF722
2) A parathyroid supplement called Parathyroid Plus (ensures adequate calcium uptake and stomach acid production so food can be sufficiently digested)

It was as a brief conversation but one detail that stood out was that she did not seem in a hurry to sell me anything?! They carry those 2 supps in her clinic but said there were other sources, and seemed open to talk to me whether I bought anything from them or not (this is very rare and IMO hopefully shows they're genuine). FYI she did mention that the company that makes Parathyroid Plus has been "having problems". Also she said Pau D'Arco(sp?) tea is good for the condition.

Hope this helps anyone looking into her method.


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