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Re: Olive Oil Scam in US - Tips on buying good oil
onthejourney Views: 2,297
Published: 19 y
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Re: Olive Oil Scam in US - Tips on buying good oil

My ex is Italian and imports olive oil and this is true. When selling a commercial product, a chemist is hired to manipulate the oil so it can be sold cheaply. In our quest to always get everything cheap, the Italians have obliged and the only way they can make it cheap enough is to mix it with other cheaper oils. Most Europeans could easily spot or taste an inferior quality oil. But the same is not true here.

The highest quality is used for raw applications - sort like we would use butter here - in cooked vegetables, on bread. Also used in cooked soups and legumes.

It is more economical to buy XV filtered oil for cooking (saute etc)

Pure or just Virgin Oil is great for baking and doesn't have a strong taste

When buying olive oil:

The best quality is unfiltered and will look cloudy with a yellow to green color while filtered will be the same color but not be cloudy.

Look for small operations. Family businesses where quality is high. I have found great oil at Marshall's of Tj Maxx.

Look to see if it says 100% Italian olives etc. The blends are more likely to be tampered with.

Smell the oil. It shouldn't have any chemical odor or any rancid like odor. It will smell sort of green.

Taste the oil. will have a bouquet. Some are more peppery and pungent and others more fruity depending on what region it comes from. Good oil will not be too harsh but will have a little bite but will still be smooth.

DON'T buy oil in plastic bottles at big wholesalers!

Store Oil in a cool, dark place - not near the heat of the stove.



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