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Re: hyperthyroidism
EmilyErdbeer Views: 2,083
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 300,833

Re: hyperthyroidism

Yes, my first comment is that I am very sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. My second comment, however, is have you reconsidered your previous posts where you "cured candida in eight weeks" and suggested that some of the long time posters on this board were merely looking for piety?
----I did get rid of the overgrowth of Candida in 8 weeks. Now I have to maintain the status and build up my body (functions) again. I never thought there would come so many side effects (f.ex. hypothyroidism) with it.
And it seems that you didn´t read my post right about the piety and just pick up on some words that could be taken provocative.

Candida can be rather difficult to cure after all, right?
---- Never denied that.

Have you had a thyroid panel? What were the results? Never let a MD or nurse fob you off with "they were normal". YOU WANT TO SEE ALL LAB REPORTS. There are upper and lower limits for every lab test. If you are even one tenth of one percent under the limits the MD will say the results were "normal". So first thing, have you been tested for T3,T4 and TSH?
---- What is a thryoid panel, t3,t4,tsh? I didn´t get tested yet (got my first appointment in the end of april) - but I will carefully look at the results.


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