blame it on the brain fog... but I am getting more and more confused the more I read.
I happen to think that candida overgrowth - like all other dis-eases - is a result (symptom) of an underlying condition. A heart attack isn't a cause, it is a result of cholestrol, etc. As I read more, I can see where the whole acidic/alkaline debate comes in and wonder if that is in fact the root of all evil so to speak, for health conditions. Or is it a matter of finding that our cells are mutating inside our bodies (which that thought scares me to pieces)??
All I know is that I am exhausted beyond comprehension. Just typing up this post is tiring and all I want to do is go to sleep.
How does one get well when they can barely function?
Just a ramble...and looking for a little guidance from any one who can help.