i am one of the one's who does not lose weight on this diet either. and i eat VERY low carb. your adrenals affect your thyroid and can cause underactivity. i am by no means fat...only 120 pounds right now and 5'3...but i do have a jelly belly and even when i exercise i stay flabby all over anymore it seems. but i have hardly been exercising lately so that has something to do with it. you will absolutely be able to lose weight again and get back to a normal body as you heal. try not to focus on the weight thing even though i know how depressing it can be. you getting healthy is the most important thing right now. getting in shape will be easier as your body heals and more time passes. i went through die off for six weeks and could hardly get out of bed. now i am back to having a lot of energy and i am going to start a regular workout routine again.