Silver Colloid and Xylitol.
Get a nasal spray bottle, a cheapie Silver Colloid cooker ( SEE:
Colloidal Silver forum or ) and an $8 jug of Xylitol crystals (XyliPure from Jarrow), an antiseptic non-sugar sweetener. Put 1/8 tsp. in your 10 ppm Silver Colloid solution per 1.5
oz nasal spray container and use freely. Or use 1/8 tsp Xylitol in 1.5
oz commercial saline nasal spray.
You can make Silver Colloid only in distilled water so don't mix with the saline in my opinion. You can mix Xylitol with the Silver Colloid, or Xylitol with the saline. I'd try taking Lysine, the amino acid in corn, as there is a nasty nasopharyngeal virus going around and Lysine whacks it. Do not use chocolate as containing the proviral amino acid, Arginine. Also consider using Zicam in a commercial nasal spray, 1/8 teaspon Zicam nasal spray in 1.5
oz saline. Or use straight Zicam but I find it too irritating. The zinc in the Zicam is a fine antiseptic.
Take Caprylic Acid to support Candida inhibition but consider the possibility you have only subacute or minor Candida and are now dealing with a secondary opportunistic infection like the viral overgrowth. Take Biotin to inhibit Candida proliferation and eat some apples or take Magnesium to replace that stolen and fixed by Candida. God bless!