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Re: Candida Meningitis
remi96 Views: 1,679
Published: 19 y
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Re: Candida Meningitis

Hi Monica Your symptoms sound like everything I had except food allergies, acne and inability to perspire. Some of those symptoms I had the last time I had candida in 1992. And some I had this time. My suggestion would be a few things. Many of the symptoms are candida and toxins and lack of vitamins and minerals. As simple as my suggestions might sound, they have literally worked wonders for me in short order. Over the summer I thought I was going to die. I was very ill and could barely tolerate all the symptoms. I live in a state of horror and stress as the symptoms got scarier and scarier. I spent a large majority of my day researching. I believe that the body sends signals in the only way it knows how to communcate, with symptoms. The symptoms in themselves are not the illness, but I believe signs of where the weakness lies. Your body is trying to tell you what it needs. Our jobs are to figure out what that is exactly, no easy task , I agree. But through all my research it led me back to the same thing over and over again...minerals. Most of the strange symptoms you and I both have/had can be attributed to mineral deficiences plain and simple. Minerals are alkaline to the body and when sick with candida we are acid which is bad. Being acid predisposes us to all kinds of bodily malfunctions. Minerals actually help fight candida in this way. They all build up your immune system. your most effective weapon against any illness or condtion. Here is the product I take I add 5-7 drops per 16 oounce bottle and I drink about 6 per day of pure distilled water along with about 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt. I found many of my issues were related to hydration and my body's use of water. Water went right thru me and I urinated dark yellow even after drinking alot of fluids. That tells me my body is not be flushed of toxins by the water I drink. Adding the salt is helping my body hold onto water more. Also add some fish oil and even flaxseed oil. omegas are the fat that hold water in the cell. And we need water on our cells to flush out toxins. I also eat and maintain a candida diet with strict guidelines , exercise and other things to try to eradicate the candida. But I find that most symptoms really are minerals deficiency. Michelle


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