Great oaks from little acorns grow!
It's time, you see.
I've seen anonymous posts from interns where they shake in their boots at the decisions they must make. Pity the poor doctors!
We've got the greatest 'scientific studies' going on right here in the public!
Mushrooming world population means we MUST arrive in the future, NOW!
Zap and Michelle have excellent grasps of what we all need to know.
Let's find ways to find out what Candida, and other things, are doing in us. Let's solve these puzzles. 'Anecdotal' information is where it's at! WE are the reason there IS a 'medical profession'.
However, if we stay gentle, calm, and sensible, we will be believed, and effective, SOONER!
I'd also like to point out that there are thousands of readers of the CureZone who never post. They read our ideas and watch our progress, and they THINK. Lurkers are probably our greatest allies. With their quiet ways things are already improving. Bless them, and bless all who will join them in a very short time.