Basically, you ned to kill off enough candida before you will feel this, and about a week or so into a program is a common time to feel it. Myself, I did not feel it until about 3 weeks into it. The die off actually comes from your liver's coping with the waste product from the dying candida, so you have to kinda give them time to die, and enough of them have to die before your liver becomes too overloaded by the load of waste. When liver becomes overloaded from trying to process the waste, the toxins will look for other avenues of escape and/or back up into your system causing you to feel like crap. Your symptoms sound like typical die-off reaction to me. People who get what they call die off within an hour or so after ingesting a product are likely not actually having die off, but are just experiencing toxic overload from the substance itself. This latter comment is just my opinion, tho, based on personal experience.