I've really learned alot from reading some of thses forum postings. It seems alot of the people here really are informed eager to share their knowledge. I had an endoscopy done in regards to trouble swallowing (they thought it was reflux), the Dr. claimed I had a yeast/fungal infection in my throat. He gave me diflucan, but really didn't seem convinced that was the trouble. My saliva in my mouth is really thick and kinda foamy, and every morning there is ALOT of white film on my tongue. I've been on a strict diet for a week now and just started on grapefruit seed extract and Black-Walnut , but my mouth seems to get more and more film every morning. My tongue is white and yellowish all day (especially on the back of my tongue) and when I eat food gets stuck throughout my mouth and on my tongue. I feel no abdominal pain, but my bowels haven't been regular at all and when I do go it is soft and stringy (maybe because of diet change). I've always been an avid weightlifter and since this started I've lost 30 lbs. despite cutting back on cardio. Any ideas or helpful comments would be appreciated. I've never been a worrier untill lately, and it seems the Dr. can't help me at all.