The mold in my house in Hawaii, including in my bathroom, was making me really sick and at the time I didn't know it. Mold in the environment gives off the same, or very similar, toxins that bother us internally from candida.
Here in the states we can buy a product that is made especially to kill mold and make it disappear. It's called X-14. The contents are bleach and water. You can of course make this yourself. Be careful with this and ventilate your bathroom with open window(s) and maybe a fan. It only takes a couple minutes to kill the mold, then you have to wash off with clean water. Use rubber gloves.
You might also try Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and water in a spray bottle, but I think that would take longer.
At any rate, I'd strongly suggest you do get rid of the mold. Good luck!