Water fast & Anti-fungals?
I found your suggestion to do a
Water Fast to kill candida very intersting--I was cleansing for nearly a year and still had problems. For one, my diet was not ALWAYS perfect; but I did the best I could. I got into great shape and great health but the candida itchiness persisted, even on days when my diet was perfect. I was never able to "fast" as I was working out on a regular basis trainin martial arts--I needed food!
Now I am in a different position and want to start again--in the past year I have not paid much attention to the diet at all, and the candida is not much better OR worse--a little depressing (although my overall health is not as good as when I was cleansing).
I'm wondering--do you think it would be good to fast on water AND use anti-fungals all at the same time? I have been trying the opposite route: I was using SO MANY antifungals a few years ago that I think it (in addition to other things) caused me problems with digestion--not digesting vegetables, fiber, etc. So i've just been trying to eat well and stock up on probiotics. I'm wary of anti-fungals, but I think they could work if you're trying to "kill it off" straight out.
Then I'm thinking once the anti-fungals have worked (and hopefully not caused much problem if i'm not eating) I can start stocking up on the "good" bacteria.
What do you think? Any advice?
much thanks,