Amazing Candida results
I am writing to report the amazing results that have been obtained by my husband (and me) since starting Dr. Jeff McCombs' "Lifeforce Plan" diet and taking his supplements.
My husband has had the hardest time losing weight. Ever since I have known him he has had the thick, nasty toenails and also a circular rash around his groin and armpits.
A few months ago I ordered the 'Natural Cures THEY dont want you to know about' book. Mentioned in the book is Dr. McCombs' book "lifeforce plan", which I also bought.
Turns out Dr. McCombs' office is not far (about 15 miles) from my house. So I made an appt for my husband to see him. We purchased the Candida Force capsules (5 caps 3Xday) and the Detox Essentials (4 caps 2Xday), and began the diet (which is surprisingly liberal). We began on November 2nd.
Within two weeks my husband had lost 17 lbs and I had lost 13
lbs. We have maintained that loss (though we do need to lose more) for about six weeks now. But the most exciting thing that has happened has to do with my husband's toenails. I inspected his feet and lower legs thoroughly the other day. I was amazed to see that the nasty, thick part of his nails is growing out and the (about) half
inch of new growth, near the back of the nailbed, is totally normal. This is a BIG deal, in my estimation. It shows that this really does work.
The diet is surprisingly liberal. We can have all kinds of meats (except pork), all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of fruits (except oranges, which have some kind of fungus). We cannot have any vinegar (meaning ketchup, mayo, or any salad dressings), no mushrooms, no dairy or cheeses. We also cannot have grains of any kind, except brown rice. We CAN have eggs, and we do eat a lot of them.
I have to admit that I do miss cheese and mayo, but the diet is only for four months, then one may return to eating normally (within reason).
I am so glad that I purchased Dr. McCombs' book.
It isn't necessary to have an appt with him. The directions are all in a two-page spread of the book, and the capsules can be purchased online (
I hope that others can benefit from our experience.