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Re: White bits in stool.
Jhan Views: 6,700
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 296,171

Re: White bits in stool.

White is most likely yeast (except for flukes and one sort of intestinal worm which both are much bigger than candida). Candida comes in 3 forms:
1-the specs. small tiny piece with which it reproduces,
2-the young candida - in the toilet water it looks somehow as torn toilet paper (some people compare it to a snowy substance)
And 3-the candida threads - candida can aglomerate to one another and make a bigger entity. It builds up in long chain and then drills into the intestinal walls to reach for the bloodstream (causing leaky gut). So any thread-like white stuff is adult candida.

ACV enemas are fantastic to drag the threads out.



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