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Re: Nitrate free bacon, cheese and butter questions. So confused!
rlm79 Views: 3,696
Published: 20 y
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Re: Nitrate free bacon, cheese and butter questions. So confused!


i have had my chiropracter and a holistic doc tell me it should be fine for me to eat a piece of fruit each day, whole grains, and lots of other things that i simply cannot eat without feeling lousy. i know a lot of people see naturopath's to help them out with a diet plan and that is great...but at the same time you must just listen to what your body tells you. everyone is so different and there is no specific regimen that will work for all. i was also told by the health food store guy to eat cottage cheese for breakfast for another option and i react very badly to that as well so i do not eat it.

i would just try the foods you want to try and if you do well with them that's great and keep on eating them! i can eat yogurt but can't tolerate any other dairy. plus some foods you can't eat now, will be ok in moderation when you are further down the road. i don't seem to react to any meats at all but i am trying to only eat fish now as much as possible so i don't have to worry about Antibiotics in the meat.


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