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Need a Chatroom
Ever hear of Paltalk? It's probably the BEST free internet chat program on the internet. AND IT'S VOICE CHAT, not just text chat (both actually). All you need is a cheap microphone.
They have hundreds of thousands of participents from all over the globe. And they have a "category" for "Health and Family Issues". Trouble's currently used mainly for recovering alcoholics or victims of depression.
I practically live on Paltalk....when I'm not at work...that is! It would be GREAT it someone would check it out....AND SET UP A FORUM (chat room) for the topics discussed on your website (specifically gallstone removal)!
I'm too busy....but I've considered it myself. I don't have the time or patience however. And the subject is too new to me to speak about it with any authority! Several of the forums there are open 24 hours a day. However, to make it need a strong admin (administrator)to keep order, speak with authority or knowledge, and block the occasional influx of kiddies that like to come in just to talk vulgar. There are banning and blocking capabilities for keeping out troublemakers. Several of the forums appoint 5 or 6 administrators to keep order in a forum 24 hours around the clock. This might be necessary, but only after the chatroom got off the ground, and became popular!
Again, IT'S FREE, TAKES ABOUT 10 MINUTES AT THE MOST TO DOWNLOAD THE CHAT PROGRAM (you know....the usual "choose a User name and password" stuff), and can be found at
They do also have a "pay" version for 20 dollars a year....but the only advantage to it over the free version is that you don't have to put up with "pop-up" messages. I recommend downloading the free version......and IF the occasional pop-up adds bother you, you can download any number of FREE "pop-up killer" programs from the internet to stop them.
Anybody who is familiar with your subject material (and has the time) could set up such a forum, but it should be someone who likes to keep the voice chat conversation going. Nothing more boring than a SILENT voice-activated chatroom!! AND IF IT TAKES OFF....YOU COULD ALWAYS "LINK" TO IT ON YOUR WEBPAGE.