Re: To Alex
Hello : ))
You wrote: "If I just keep cleansing my liver with herbs and nutrients - its just getting toxic all over again as the candida toxins continually come up from my gut."
The point is you are getting the toxins out. The liver works as a major filtering organ for the body. The herbs will aid your liver function, which will reduce the overall toxic load. Nonetheless, your liver requires help.
To aid liver function by reducing the toxic overload (thereby creating an inhospitable environment for candida THUS reducing the toxics....and ending the vicious cycle ):
--ingest chlorella or spirulina. I take both
--take green food, which aids body detox. Garden of Life or Greens Plus provide green foods.
--drink plenty of water as your kidneys is a major detox organ
--Also eat plenty of veggies and fruits (if you are able)
--cleanse the lymphatic system (dry brushing, saunas or detox bathes...
-- anti-oxidants such as vits A, C and E; Co-enzme Q10 (very powerful)
--herbal teas: chai (detox), green tea
--enemas are great for reducing toxins in the bowels, another major eliminating organ but you did mention you cannot do them ?/
burning in your liver sounds like toxic bile -- ingest plenty of good fats. If this is a problem for you....begin with very little and slowly increase the amount you take. I used to become very sick with any intake of I can ingest fat with no problem : ))
I hope this helps...if you want any further info...ask away : )) I'll try to help
Take Care,