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Glucosamine or Biotin
Jhan Views: 2,917
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 289,065

Glucosamine or Biotin

Hi Letitrain,
It's been a while!

I have evacuated some 5 inch long threads, but nothing as thick as you describe. Actually the thicker I ever saw was maybe a third of my little finger. That was the thicker ever.... and flat. I hope some other people will give their opinion but to me this looks like a parasite, not a candida thread!

Furthermore, it you are to cut fruit, keep a Granny Smith apple a day at least, for the pectin it contains (and other nutrient)> I know I used to say that fruit are out, I now realize I had an intolerance to them, if you are not intolerant, you don't really need to cut fruits, it is personal.

I recently found out that glucosamine prevents candida from adhering to your intestinal walls, Alexcena says Biotin can be used with the same effect, check it out.


Protection against Candida albicans gastrointestinal colonization and dissemination by saccharides in experimental animals.
Ghannoum MA, Abu-Elteen K, Ibrahim A, Stretton R.
Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Kuwait, Safat.
Pre- or post-treatment of duodenal discs with mannose, N-acetylglucosamine or chitin soluble extracts (CSE) prevented the adherence of Candida albicans to gastrointestinal tract. CSE was the most effective in blocking the adherence of C. albicans. Treatment of infant mice with saccharides significantly reduced the systemic spread of C. albicans inoculated into the gut. The best protection was obtained when the saccharides were given 2 days prior to the infection and continued over the course of the infection. However, systemic spread was reduced with a single dose of saccharide 30 min before infection. The saccharides may bind to the gastrointestinal mucosa and block the attachment of C. albicans.


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