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Re: 1st Flush and now scared to do this again! by Claudia
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Re: 1st Flush and now scared to do this again! by Claudia

M. - The only time I did not get sick or nauseaous doing the flush was
the very
first time, about 14 or so years ago...and that time passed quite a bit of
stuff. The next time I was quite sick a few hours after drinking the
running to the bathroom to throw up and and have diarrhea (sorry for the
unpleasant picture) all at once, feeling terribly nauseous, but so far, have
not had the pain you are describing. So people should not be surprised
if they get sick...and you feel kind of "raw" where the ducts are if you
know what I mean, and weak for a day or two, like you're really wrung
out. Then other times when I have done it, I have just had waves of
nausea, passed some stuff and felt great in the morning.

Everyone responds differently. I have done the flush on and off
since, about a dozen times, but have not done it in 5 years now, and
this is the only time I've had an ultrasound that actually showed stones,
so I, too, wonder what I am in for should I do this again. I'd like to give
it a go when things slow down - perhaps Good Friday.

Do remember all the junk you have passed, though, you have worked
hard and done a good job. Maybe that larger stone will just have to be
there for now. I find putting heat on helps a lot - I use heat for just about
any aches and pains. I lay flat on my back and put hot water bottle over
the area of pain, and eventually, most of the time, if I can stay relaxed
can literally feel things begin to gurgle again, and nausea and discomfort

I am thinking that perhaps, after giving your body a rest for a week or
2, it would be good for you to start taking what I do on as many
mornings as it is convenient. First thing, take a cup of chamomile tea with the
juice of a lemon, a tablespoon of flax seed oil, and some honey to
taste and drink it down and wait about 20 minutes or so before eating
anything. This will then, keep you gall bladder active, though not
nearly as dramatically as the cleanse you did, so it does not build
up a lot of sludge, etc. You won't be lying down when you do this,
so the gall bladder won't be in a position to easily expell larger
things, like the stone you have.

Flax seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps with
discomfort...I am planning on using it instead of olive oil next flush after
reading a bit on this and being in some discussions about's a bit more
than olive oil, but worth it, I am hoping.

I think you have done a good job, and should pat yourself on the back
for me :-)



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