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Re: Puffy lips after drinking Milk - candida? ***UPDATE***
bahir327 Views: 1,223
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 287,410

Re: Puffy lips after drinking Milk - candida? ***UPDATE***

It went down after eating some grapes. Reason being:

Undigested food goes all over the body and causes chronic low-grade inflammation. And blockages.

That milk is enzymeless, an indigestable because it's been heated to hell. So the body tries to eliminate it through other areas of the body because it's too much for the intestines all at once (I drank about 2/3 of a half gallon in one day after not having any for about 1 and 1/2 years). So my defense cells in my body rush to the areas to kill the infection.

I'm going to eat some more raw foods in small quantities with teas throughout the day and update here.

I'll be fine :D


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