Allowing Healing
MS or any 'dis' ease is just a body whose cells and systems can no longer function/communicate due to being overwhelmingly toxic. Depending where the toxicity is incurred, and the genetic uniquenss of the person, various constellations of symptoms occur. It is medical mainstream's theological desire to give these toxic constellations names in order to categorize them for easy reference. Of course it is important to realize that our current medical mainstream is incapable through their modalities (geared for pharmaceutical profits) of allowing our bodies to heal themselves. On the contrary, it causes further degradation due to the additional toxic load that prescribed treatment causes.
So what's the answer for all diseases which are actually rooted in the same causes (toxicity)? Simple. Get out of the way of the body's innate intelligence. It is designed to continually monitor and adjust itself (heal) in a myriad of situations, and does a masterful job up until a point. When we reach a level of toxicity that the body can no longer deal with, it begins to break down. If we help it by getting out of the way (don't add to its toxic burdon and create optimal conditions for existence), then it can return itself to it's blueprint of perfection.
Keep in mind that when I say toxicity, I am not only considering physical toxicity but emotional, mental and spiritual toxicity.
It all starts with our thought forms that lead us into balance or away from balance, so it is critically important to see where our thought forms have taken and our taking us. True healing always starts there. If our belief sytems are incoherent, and our thought forms inconsistent, then the trickle down effect enters the physical realm and manifests by means of creative forces, in our bodies and lives.
So with the awareness that we create our situation, and that we are never a victim of circumstance, we can begin to take our power back within all levels of reality; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
How does a Raw Vegan diet fit into this? Extremely well. It is the optimal diet for creating balance while at the same time getting out of the way so the body can heal. It's efficient, easy to digest (freeing up energy for healing), its very nutritious, and very importantly , it causes minimum stress.
Physically speaking, getting out of the way of our bodies is simply reducing the toxic load or what is often reffered to as the total body burdon. Eating dairy, meat and cooking food cause ongoing levels of stress to the body which works to furthering a diseased state. Utilizing a naturally correct diet, such as raw, creates harmony and balance and allows the body to heal. Other considerations like living environment, personal care products, occupational environments, etc, also play a key role on either supporting or undermining health (in the paradigm of enivronmental total load). A very large consideration is
Amalgam poisoning from dental mercury/metal. This is a large part of many people's total body burdon.
Here is an article featuring just some of the problems that cooking food creates.
I will be writing more on the subject as to, how to allow healing emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well, because if one ignores these aspects, the very same conditions will be recreated. These aspects are inseperable, as they are all various components of what makes up our total consciousness.
The internet is full of incredible healing stories about raw diets, but when you look deeper, the lasting ones have also recreated situations that allow the healing to take place at all other levels too.
To get started, I encourage you to check out the following storehouse of information (more being compiled daily):
These first two links are very important to view and read first.
Raw Healing
Important Raw Healing Testimonial
Raw Food Articles Here
Law of Attraction Articles Here
Spiritual/Consciousness Articles Here
A couple interesting internet links:
MS or any 'dis' ease is just a body whose cells and systems can no longer function/communicate due to being overwhelmingly toxic. Depending where the toxicity is incurred, and the genetic uniquenss of the person, various constellations of symptoms occur. It is medical mainstream's theological desire to give these toxic constellations names in order to categorize them for easy reference. Of course it is important to realize that our current medical mainstream is incapable through their modalities 9geared for pharmaceutical profits) of allowing our bodies to heal themselves. On the contrary, it causes further degradation due to the additional toxic load that prescribed treatment causes.
So what's the answer for all diseases which are actually rooted in the same causes (toxicity)? Simple. Get out of the way of the body's innate intelligence. It is designed to continually monitor and adjust itself (heal) in a myriad of situations, and does a materful job up until a point. When we reach a level of toxicity that the body can no longer deal with, it begins to break down. If we help it by getting out of the way (don't add to its toxic burdon and create optimal conditions for existence), then it can retune itself to it's blueprint of perfection.
Keep in mind that when I say toxicity, I am not only considering physical toxicity but emotional, mental and spiritual toxicity.
It all starts with our thought forms that lead us into balance or away from balance, so it is critically important to see where our thought forms have taken and our taking us. True healing always starts there. If our belief sytems are incoherent, and our thought forms inconsistent, then the trickle down effect enters the physical realm and manifests by means of creative forces, in our bodies and lives.
So with the awareness that we create our situation, and that we are never a victim of circumstance, we can begin to take our power back within all levels of reality; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
How does Raw fit into this? Extremely well. It is the optimal diet for creating balance while at the same time getting out of the way so the body can heal. It's efficient, easy to digest (freeing up energy for healing), its very nutritious, and very importantly , it causes minimum stress. Physically speaking, getting out of the way of our bodies is simply reducing the toxic load or what is often reffered to as the total body burdon. Eating dairy, meat and cooking food cause ongoing levels of stress to the body which works to furthering a diseased state. Utilizing a naturally correct diet such as raw creates harmony and balance and allows the body to heal. Other considerations like living environment, personal care products, occupational environments, etc, also play a key role on either supporitn or undermining health (in the paradigm of enivronmental total load). A very large consideration is
Amalgam poisoning from dental mercury/metal as a large part of total body burdon.
Here is an article featuring just some of the problems that cooking food creates.
I will be writing more on this subject as to how to allow healing emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well, because if one ignores these aspects, the very same conditions will be recreated.
These aspects are inseperable as they are all various components of what makes up our total consciousness.
The internet is full of incredible healing stories about raw diets, but when you look deeper, the lasting ones have recreated situations that allow the healing at all other levels too.
To get started, I encourage you to check out the following storehouse of information (more being compiled daily):
These first two links are very important to view and read first.
Raw Healing
Important Raw Healing Testimonial
Raw Food Articles Here
Law of Attraction Articles Here
Spiritual/Consciousness Articles Here
Some interesting internet links: