Salt Consumption? Candida diet and salt?
I was feeling really bad this past week. I added several things to my protocol, and by chance I took more salt.
I was very tired and I felt like eating soup. I had nothing to prepare and I decided to take some salty water. I used
Sea Salt .
Incredibly, I felt better.
I did dnot realize exactly why, but I decided to take some more salty water, and I took all my capsules with salty water.
Now I realize maybe the salt is having a benefitial effect on me.
That day I saw and article here at Curezone about salt and vitamin C to cure Lyme disease, ann they are using high doses to cure the illness.
Do you know the connection between candida and Low salt intake?
I think I was taking too little salt and my Body needed it.
What does the anticandida diet says about salt?
My symptoms were tiredness, jont pains, nervousness, sinus pain, excess of mucus in nose, throat, sharp pain in tonsils, etc.
I feel mich better now.
I would like to hear more about this cure with salt and vitamin C. I am also taking candida digest, Olive leaf extract, garlic and Pau de Arc.
In the mornings I take vitamin B, CALcium and magnesium.