The obvious outside signs of Candida such as vaginal yeast, toenail yeast etc are not the only sign for internal Candida, either is lack of Antibiotic use. I only took Antibiotics one last year for one day and I do not use the contraceptive pill at all but I was so sick with Candida I was hospitalized (not that they doctors knew why they put me in hospital).
I judged (and was correct) from my Sugar cravings, lethargy, white coated tongue, frothy urine and inability to digest certain foods well such as wheat. The sure fire way to know if you have Candida is via live blood cell analysis. I live in Australia and this was done by Aus Biologics:
I am not sure for Europe/UK the best place. This type of testing will also detect leaky gut and other internal ailments contributing to your health problems. I hope this is of some help to you.