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Re: Threelac, Oxygen elements - Recommend it?!?
joe90bass Views: 1,178
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 285,845

Re: Threelac, Oxygen elements - Recommend it?!?

I'm taking Threelac and Oxygen Elements, but have yet to see any improvement. One night, a few days after first taking Threelac I woke up with a fever like sympton which I assumed to be die off, hasn't happened since though. I'm currently up to 5 a day and am going to go through the entire course to give it chance to work.

I will add that I'm self diagnosed so don't know for definite that it is Candida! I have also cheated a bit recently, so I'm sure that hasn't helped, though I am good at sticking to the diet on the whole :) I'm also getting a slight shaky feeling a lot, haven't pinned down yet whether it follows a cheating seesion or not, need to keep a diary!


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