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Re: I used to have the same problem
Johnny Vegas Views: 3,763
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 285,814

Re: I used to have the same problem

First off you are talking about processed foods full of garbage. They are off our diets anyway, not because they contain "malt" but because they are garbage.

So to qualify your statement: most people on a candida diet don't consume any malt.

> But it is very mean-spirited to try to sway people from something that could help them.

Is it not "mean-spirited" to misinform people? You seem to be unaware that the standard method of culturing candida in the lab is to use glucose not "malt".

> Without both the diet - eliminating malt and vinegar being the most important parts- and the nystatin, people don't get better

Again on a candida diet people don't eat processed foods. They don't eat any malt or vinegar. I am someone who believes in vinegar, yet I don't get any in my diet because it is not something that we use much in foods.

How can we eliminate something we don't eat?

>I'm not going to respond to you anymore. You clearly aren't interested in either learning something or having an educated discussion about it. If you aren't better yet, and I am, maybe you should think about that.

I find your comments as being extremely mean-spirited and personally insulting. But I'm going to ignore them rather than stoop to your level.

You are unaware of the basic fact that glucose is the staple food of candida. Candida is grown in the lab cultured on glucose. Not "malt" as you claim.

You also claim that eliminating malt is the missing key to the candida conundrum. Yet you fail to acknowledge that neither "malt" nor "vinegar" are eaten by anyone on a candida diet, because we avoid processed foods.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and "educate yourself".



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